Going Through a Divorce? What Steps Can Help Speed It Up

broken heart sign
  • Gathering necessary financial, property, parental, and legal documents can expedite divorce.
  • Open conversations about child custody, asset division, alimony, and future communication can lead to quicker resolutions.
  • Hiring a divorce mediation lawyer can facilitate productive discussions and help navigate legal complexities.
  • Though challenging, taking proactive steps can reduce emotional strain and speed up divorce.

The divorce process can be an emotionally draining and painstakingly slow ordeal. It tests both the emotional fortitude and the patience of the individuals involved. According to the American Psychological Association, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. Furthermore, the dissolution of marriage is not a swift process – it often prolongs over several months or even years. Data from a study conducted by Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, LLC, reveals that the average length of the divorce process in the U.S. is a year. This extended period of uncertainty and emotional turmoil can exacerbate the stress and anxiety associated with divorce.

Of course, you might want your divorce to end as soon as possible. While there is no magic wand to waive the divorce process, there are steps you can take that will help speed up the process and limit the time it takes to finalize your separation from your spouse. Here are a few steps to consider:

Gather the Necessary Documents

Signing legal documents for divorce

Having all the necessary documents at your disposal can expedite the divorce process. These documents are concrete evidence of financial, residential, and parental factors crucial in divorce proceedings. They help make informed decisions regarding asset division, child custody, and spousal support. Preparing these documents in advance reduces the chances of procedural delays and helps your attorney better assess and represent your case.

Financial Documents

Financial documents such as bank statements, tax returns, and pay stubs are imperative in a divorce. These documents clearly show the family’s financial status, including income, expenses, assets, and debts. They are vital in determining alimony, child support, and property division.

Property Documents

Property documents like deeds, car titles, or any proof of ownership for significant shared assets should be compiled. These documents help determine the distribution of property based on whether they are marital or non-marital assets.

Parental Documents

Parental documents such as birth certificates, school records, and medical reports are essential if you have children. These documents can influence custody, visitation rights, and child support decisions.

Legal Documents

Lastly, legal documents such as prenuptial or separation agreements are also crucial. These documents can significantly influence the outcome of divorce proceedings, as they can dictate the terms of asset division and spousal support.

Talk About the Essential Points

Getting a divorce mediation lawyer

Open and honest communication is a cornerstone of a more manageable divorce process. Discussing the essential points can help you and your soon-to-be-ex better understand each other’s perspectives and expectations, thus paving the way for smoother negotiations. This can lead to a faster resolution of the divorce process.

For instance, discussing child custody and parenting time is a critical conversation. Both parents should express their expectations to meet the best interests of their kids. This includes deciding on primary residence, visitation schedules, and how to manage essential decisions about the child’s upbringing.

Another example is the division of assets and financial responsibilities. You should discuss who will be responsible for existing debts, how bank accounts will be divided, or who will keep the marital home if there is one. It could also involve discussing how to split pensions, stocks, or other investments.

Alimony, or spousal support, is yet another vital point of discussion. It’s important to outline whether there will be alimony, the amount, and the payment duration.

Lastly, don’t forget to address future communication. How will you communicate post-divorce? Will it be through emails, phone calls, or in-person meetings? Presetting these communication guidelines can help reduce potential conflicts and misunderstandings after the divorce is finalized.

Get a Divorce Mediation Lawyer

Opting for a divorce mediation lawyer can contribute to a speedier resolution of the divorce process. These professionals deeply understand the law and are trained in negotiation and conflict resolution. They can facilitate discussion between both parties, ensuring the conversations remain centered and productive. Their presence can help prevent the escalation of disagreements into full-blown disputes, thereby maintaining a harmonious atmosphere conducive to agreement and understanding.

Moreover, divorce mediation lawyers can offer neutral and fair guidance throughout the process, letting both parties express their concerns and interests, which can lead to mutually beneficial resolutions. A mediator can help save time and reduce the emotional strain of extended legal proceedings by minimizing the need for contentious court battles, often prolonging the divorce process.

Also, they are well-versed in the complexities of divorce law. They can help you navigate the intricate puzzle of legal paperwork, ensuring that no crucial detail is overlooked and the process remains on track. In sum, a Divorce Mediation Lawyer can act as a valuable catalyst in accelerating the divorce process and guide you toward a fair and efficient resolution.

Final Thoughts

The divorce process can be a taxing and challenging period. Though it’s impossible to make the divorce magically disappear, there are steps you can take to expedite it. These include gathering necessary documents, having honest conversations about all essential points, and getting a Divorce Mediation Lawyer. These measures will help reduce the emotional strain of divorce proceedings and resolve the process swiftly.

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