5 Things to Do If Your Debtors Are Avoiding You

talking about debt

Collecting money from someone who doesn’t want to pay is a headache that no individual or business wants to deal with. Unfortunately, elusive payers are sometimes inevitable. If you’re dealing with a debtor that’s doing their best to hide from you, here’s what you can do:

1. Hire a debt collection process server

The service of a subpoena server typically includes debt collection. A debt collection process server is responsible for delivering complaints to delinquent payers, as well as demanding for payment. And with debtors who are purposely avoiding payment, these agencies also use skip tracing services to locate debtors and serve the summons. More importantly, a debt collection service will use legal ways of collecting so you don’t risk getting accused of harassment.

However, hiring a debt collection process server is usually seen as a last resort next to taking delinquent payers to a small claims court. If you think you can hold off just yet, you can try other simpler strategies to make elusive payers settle their debts.

2. Find them online

searching online

Nowadays, almost everyone has their basic information stored on social media websites. If someone is trying to run away from paying you, you can try finding them online using a simple Google search. You can try to get a lien on them using the information found on their social media profiles, such as posts about assets that they could have used to pay you.

Keep in mind that these elusive debtors may block you once they know you’re on their profile, so be sure to get as many relevant screenshots as you can.

3. Scour public records

Looking through public records can help you find out if a debtor has acquired a new asset, such as a house or a vehicle. If they used a new credit line to buy these assets, you may be able to find their personal information, which you can use in court.

4. Send frequent reminders

Give your debtor the benefit of a doubt. Maybe they are too busy to take care of the payment or have simply forgotten. In this case, sending them frequent payment reminders can spur them into action and make them believe that you are not forgetting about their debt. When they don’t respond, you can send a final notice that indicates the final due date of their payment and what legal actions you will take if they still don’t pay by then.

If they still don’t respond, you can show up at their office as a last-ditch effort to collect your payment. Your physical presence will be harder to ignore than an invoice.

5. Speak to a lawyer

For significant amounts of debt, it’s wise to speak to a lawyer about the matter if the debtor has made clear, through their inaction, that they have no intention of paying you.

As an individual or business that has rendered a service, delivered a product, or lent money to someone who doesn’t pay immediately, you have the right to collect your money through the means mentioned above. But if worse comes to worst, don’t hesitate to call a debt collection agency to do the job for you.

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